Friday, September 12, 2008

Girls Dem Sugar...

Please pop in Beenie Man's "Girls Dem Sugar" for this post and sing along with me...
Zagga zow, ziggy zow, zagga zow.....

(Sim Simma) Beenie Man ah di girls dem sugar(Sim Simma) Di girls dem world class lover...

Okay...that's enough, lol!!!! You know...The cutie patootie I'm showcasing today lives in the Bahamas...I have NO clue if she has a Caribbean accent, but EVERY. SINGLE. TIME I read her posts on Brown and Bridal, I read them with an accent, lol!!!! So, even if you don't Gia...I'mma need you to let me stay in my illusion...thank you very much...

Resume song please...


Gia has decided to start transitioning. She's really gung-ho about it too...It's quite refreshing to see her posts about hair, and getting PMs from her are always a joy...She actually LISTENS and takes advice really well.....I asked her to be on I'm Not Lying because since I've started this blog, I've been getting a lot of emails and PM's regarding transitioning, and I thought I'd let ya'll get it "sKraigt" from the source. It's been 7 years since I transitioned (BC'd in 2002 after transitioning for a year) and there are some experiences that, frankly I've forgotten...So enjoy!!!!

For how long did you relax your hair? from about 7th grade. my paternal aunts did it b/c my hair was "too hard"...not that they were responsible for fixing my hair or anything.
What made you want to stop? 1. my hair never looked perm. I am sick and tired of walking out of the salon or wherever and have people who know me say..."girl when you gonna perm this?". that was just annoying on so many levels! 2. my scalp is UBER sensitive and I have suffered sooo many burns from relaxers over the years...NOTHING worked and b/c my hair was so course, I couldn't use 'mild' relaxers.3 . I have been fascinated with natural since about 12th grade..just never thought I could hack it..cause I was always told "your hair is so hard/thick/course- you need a perm"

How do you feel about the transition process? very excited. at first I was scared i would always look like a HAM and people would be negative but I have found a good supportive 'network' and that has helped me to change my own outlook.

Do you have challenges? keeping my hands out of it...I wanna see roots and get rid of the relaxed ends NOW. but seriously, my hair has always been thick and full and healthy. so far so good- no challengesWhat do you think you will gain by not relaxing? FREEDOM. I used to literally have to psyc myself up to get relaxers and I was very limited. I am looking forward to being a chameleon, to no more burned scalps and for my hair to thrive!

What are some changes that you have made already? (overall health, length, etc.) i've stopped/minimized using products with sulphates and petroleum. for the past 6 wks I have been using more homemade treatments/conditioners. and now I am wearing a sew-in weave as a protective style.

How long are you planning to transition? 15 mons...with mini cuts in between styles. If I have sufficient length by the 12 month mark, I will probably cut!

Have you had any surprises or “ah-ha!” moments regarding your hair, products, etc.???? sooo many but most about products and hair care. I am so much more educated now about overall hair/skin care since I seriously began considering transitioning. I haven't had any surprises yet specifically with my hair. I feel this is like being pregnant and choosing not to find out what sex your baby will be!

Thanks GIA!!!

Gia is doing great with her transition!!! I love the versatility with her styling. She's not just sticking to weaving or straightening...She's mixing it up, which is a good thing, in my opinion. She's getting the opportunity to learn how to style her hair, use better products and learn some serious patience! Look at her cuteness!!!!

me experimenting with braids...i've always tried to 'stretch' perms..this was me expanding my options...before I officially decided to transition..
my love for straw set. my thick hair always gives a nice curl that lasts for about 2weeks..I'll definitely be using this style during this transtition...

Cornrows at night.... day. this usually last about 2-3 days depending on whether or not I exercise...
Currently the sew-in....


Anonymous said...

I love the straw set Gia.

Anonymous said...

Gia, I love your new do.

Anonymous said...

The straw set looks beautiful. I have to try that!

Suite B said...

The straw set is so cute but the braided and let loose look has always been a favorite of mine when i do it on myself...that is when I had that much hair