Monday, September 1, 2008

Product site...

Sorry I've been gone for a minute...Been working on my wedding pictures...You know, for all the email's I get with questions and such, y'all show can't comment on the dang blog...(ree rolls eyes and smacks lips)...Anyhoo...back on track now...

One of my online BFF's (Mo) hipped me to this site. She swears by the caramel product. The site's discription of the product says:
Deep penetrating, reconstructing hair treatment. It contains olive oil, honey, and other natural ingredients that contain vitamins and minerals. Carmel strengthens, conditions, and moisturizes the hair leaving it soft, shiny, bouncy, and full of life.
Mo says this stuff is the'm very tempted to try it..Only problem is that the site doesn't have the size of the product, and it's a bit pricey...$15.00 for something...not ounce..a gallon...what???
I'm going to contact them to find out the size of that bottle before I purchase...Stay tuned...

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