Monday, December 8, 2008

MMMMM....TAYter Tots...

Okay...That was tre corney...

I usually do my showcases on diva's who are natural or going natural, but I decided to take a break from the norm...

As we struggle through our journey of not only better hair care, but with working with the mindset of accepting our NATURAL selves, one has to look back to how that "mind" was developed...So many times I hear people say that "natural" hair isn't for them or they look stupid with natural hair, but it makes me say...Ummkay...The stuff that's growing OUT of your head? The stuff that GOD created??? For serious??? Okay...

I have a girl friend with the cutest little diva. Her name is Taylen, but we affectionately call her TATERS!!! Tay had a challenge getting here, and she fought so that she could bless us with her presence. Her mommy the lovely and loving elementary school teacher, Trice is allowing me to showcase her precious girl...

Trice is committed to making sure Tay learns to love herself from the beginning. I'm very curious to watch this from the cradle...

Anyway...Heeeeerrrrreeee's TATERS!!!

Y'all, Tay is rocking a twist out...Are you ready for that?? Too much...

Trice is narrating this story, so take it away mama...
Taylen came into the world with her head covered with hair. Not a head full of hair. It was straight and it covered her head.

Then the top started growing and the sides sat still. Then it started looking like the sides were thinning out. Her head was just getting bigger. But anyway people starting asking us if we styled her hair in a fro (yes those colored people). So eventually by the time she was 5 months she had a full out frohawk. She would rarely even wear a headband with it because ever since she was in the NICU she had things stuck to her head and she would panic when we put stuff around her head. Twice she allowed me to put a velcro barette in her head. I can remember clearly. I took pictures those days.

I didn't know what to do with her hair so I would put baby lotion or baby oil in her hair after a bath or before we left and let it run free.

(CUUUUTTTTT!!!!!!! Umm...Trice...spank yourself, please...) Okay...continue on...

Then the hair on the top of her head kept growing and the sides started to grow again! She could have ponytails but they looked so weird. I did them anyway. She had three! My mom came to visit and stopped me from using baby oil in my baby's hair. She started using LIV conditioner instead.

( yall know they're about the same far as ingredients go??? I'mma beat on y'all...but carry on...)

I wet her hair and rubbed it in. She moved all the way up to a maximum of 6 ponytails before we started getting places and half of her hair was now out.

The child started taking her ponytails out on our way to places. I'd get to church and her right side would be neat and pretty and the left side would be all over the place. She was eating the ponytail holders. So then...I agreed with her that ponytails were for babies and she was a big girl. She allowed me to twist her hair after a shower and a few days later she had them all out! She wore her afro for 2 weeks. Some nights I would retwist it and let her take it out.

Look at Tayters stylin' in the Tutu I made her!!! Loving the stylish drool under her chin...Work it girl!

She has worn it in french braids/corn rows once but she took them out before I could even put batteries in the camera to take a picture.

I loves me some Tayters!!!! Butterum...Trice...we gone fight like rolling on the lawn if you don't stop using that greasy mess in my baby's hurr...


Ms. Martin said...

Thank you for the showcase. I can't believe you really did it. We are going to do better. I promise. Right now we're on comb and water to get her through. Trust me your blog has me checking her Johnsons and Johnsons Shampoo for sulfate. I can't even read the label clearly lol.

Anonymous said...

Great showcase. I love Taylen :D

Anonymous said...

She is just tooo precious!