Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Twist-Out...

Twist-Outs are great for transitioners and naturals alike. It's one of those styles that can have a long wearing life too. You can wear a twist out using twists that you've had in for 2 weeks or overnight. It doesn't matter...

Diffrent twists result in different results to the twist out. Small twists give one look like this: (Also, here's a trick if you like the look of straw sets but hate the time it takes to get them...Do smallish twists, then rinse them. Let them dry (pin curl the ends) and unravel...You get a look similar to a strawset without all the dang straws...)

Medium twists give you this:

Larger twists result in something like this: (I had to go find pics of this...Never done a large twist twist out on myself)...From Khamit Kinks....

Flat twists result in this...Flat twist hair straight down with gel and moisturizer. Flat twisting makes my roots a lot straighter.

Products also affect the results of the twist out. By using less gel and more moisturizer (like Shealoe Butter you get fluffier, puffier less defined twist outs...

Here's my each one, reach one twist-out tutorial. I'm a visual person, so having pictures I think may help some folks really understand how it's done...

1. Twist hair (semi-dry works best for me cause I get the maximum stretch out of my doesn't shrink!) Use an alcohol-free gel and Petroleum Free moisturizer for your twists. Also, if you plan to wear a part, do it here and not split your hair later (it won't look so hot). So however you want the twist out to lie, make your twists in that direction...(And don't forget the ends!!! I twirl mine around my finger and it makes a little finishes them off so that when you take them down, the ends aren't sticking straight out.) If you're transitioning, put the ends on rods or pin curl them...

2. Take twists down...I had to be really careful with this because the hair can frizz if it's just pulled apart...(sounds weird, but trust me...)

3. Stretch hair out so it actually does frizz a little...(yeah, I just contradicted myself, works.)

4. Finger style and enjoy...

5. The more you pull, the bigger it gets, or vice versa...don't pull so much, and you get more defined crinkles...To get rid of the parts, I massage my scalp and it makes the hair poof out...Oh...and add the fabulous eye make up ;)

There you go! Motown Girl has GREAT instructions too!


Unknown said...

Step 2 explains why the first time I tried the 'braid-out' some parts of my hair looked like a poodle. I kinda just pulled them all out...and I also didn't use enough setting lotion on I know better!!

fstarks said...

Hi! This was soo helpful, I have been looking for the perfect guide for transitioners! I have been growing my hair back out for only about 4 months, and it has been rough, lol! But anyway, I LOVE your hair, and thanks again!